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                                               **The handbook will be updated soon. Please check back with us!**



                                                       CRESTWOOD HIGH SCHOOL BANDS


                                                                               STUDENT HANDBOOK   2019-2020







                                                                                  CRESTWOOD HIGH SCHOOL

                                                           “Keeping Academics and Citizenship First and Foremost”

                                                                                     2000 OSWEGO ROAD

                                                                          SUMTER, SOUTH CAROLINA 29153








            The Crestwood High School Band Program has developed and continues to build on a tradition of excellence and quality in musical performance and education. The continued success of this program centers around a highly developed sense of purpose, responsibility, commitment, discipline and pride from each student and parent. While we do not expect every student to become a virtuoso musician, we do expect each student to strive to realize their full potential on their instrument and to contribute their best efforts in reaching the goals of the band program.


            This handbook is designed to serve as an operational guide for students, parents and the director. The purpose of the handbook is to give as much information as possible concerning the curriculum, policies and procedures of the Crestwood High School Band Program. This handbook should help to avoid costly delays and loss of time due to lack of awareness of policies and procedures. Whenever questions arise, check the handbook first. If your question is not answered, please call me (803-469-7678 ext.6030) or email (


            In addition to this handbook, band students and parents will receive important information throughout the year. Review this handbook as well as all other information carefully. There are important forms in the back of the handbook that must be completed and returned in order for a student to participate in the band program.


            Every year is a new challenge presenting new combinations of personalities, talent and leadership. By accepting membership into the Crestwood High School Bands, you are accepting the responsibility of working individually and cooperatively to the best of your abilities. We are also making a commitment to work together as teachers, students and parents to make this band program the finest musical organization that our combined efforts can produce.


Musically Yours,



Whitney Washington

Director of Bands

Crestwood High School







 1. Singing, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music.

 2. Playing, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music.

3. Improvising melodies, variations, and accompaniments.

4. Composing and arranging music within specific guidelines.

5. Reading and notating music.

6. Listening to, analyzing and describing music.

7. Evaluating music and musical performances.

8. Understanding relationships between music, the arts, and disciplines outside the arts.

9. Understanding music in relation to history and culture.



Whitney Washington, Director

Phone: 803-469-6200 Ext. 6030                 


Important dates, practice assignments and other information may be found online at








The study of instrumental music is as essential part of the school curriculum. As part of a well-balanced education, our program provides:


An outlet for emotional and creative expression

A spirit of cooperation through group participation

A feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction through personal effort

Discovery and development of true musical talent

A demanding and rewarding disciplinary experience




Objectives of the Band Program


To teach music by its actual performance.


To develop performance skills on the various wind and percussion instruments.


To provide for the musical needs of both the school and community.


To acquaint students with a variety of musical styles, forms and periods.


To provide for group experiences leading to the development of teamwork, community and self-discipline.











Section I-Course Descriptions

Concert Band

                        Course Description and Content                                3

            Symphonic Band                                                                               

                        Course Description and Content                                4

            Marching Band                      

                        Course Description and Content                                5


Section II-Classroom Procedures

Classroom and Rehearsal Procedures                                  6

Band Room Rules                                                                  6

What Happens If I….?                                                            6


Section III-Grading

District Grading Scale                                                             7

Grading Criteria                                                                      7

Daily Participation Grade                                                        7

Materials                                                                                 7

No Instrument in Class                                                           7

Written Work, Tests, and Quizzes                                          8

Practice Charts for Extra Credit                                             8

After School Rehearsals                                                         8

Performances                                                                         8

Parent Conferences                                                               8


Section IV-General Information

Concert Attire                                                                          9

Concert Etiquette                                                                    9         

Chair Placement                                                                     10       

Challenges                                                                              10       

Instrument Storage                                                                 10

School Instrument Rental Information                                    10

Class Materials                                                                       11

Supplies                                                                                  11-12

Instrument Care and Maintenance                                         12

Private Lessons                                                                      13

Jazz Band                                                                               13

SCBDA Activities                                                                    13


Section V-Calendars

Football Schedule                                                                   14

Concert Schedule                                                                   15





Concert Band is comprised of students in 9th and 10th grades. This class meets every day. Students do not miss another class to attend band class. Students in concert band must also participate in marching band.


The Concert Band performs at least two times a year as a group: 

Holiday Concert – TBD                                                                                 

Spring Concert and Awards Ceremony – TBD


After school rehearsals may be held prior to each concert. Attendance at both rehearsals and concerts is required. If other concerts are scheduled, parents and students will be notified in advance.




Students will demonstrate knowledge in the following areas:

1.    Music reading-More complex rhythms and pitch notations

2.    Tone production

3.    Technique-Introduction of scales, arpeggios, other exercises

4.    Listening skills-Introduction of intonation problems in individual and group settings.

5.    Concepts of style, phrasing, and balance

6.    Music of various styles and cultures

7.    Rehearsal and performance skills





First Semester:

1.    Review of 8th grade content

2.    Note and rhythm reading

3.    Instrument assembly and care

4.    [Essential tone production

5.    Marching band concepts

6.    Concert band concepts

7.    Posture, hand position, and embouchure

8.    2/4, 3/4, 4/4, 6/8 also Common time and cut time

9.    Whole, half, quarter, eighth, and sixteenth notes; whole, half, quarter, eighth and sixteenth rests

10.  Ties

11.  Tonguing and slurring

12.  Key signatures and accidentals

13.  B flat, E flat, A flat, D flat, G, C, F, D, A Concert Scales

14.  Chromatic scale


Second Semester:

1.    Concert band concepts

2.    Small ensemble concepts

3.    Jazz band concepts

4.    Sight Reading

5.    Musical Terminology

6.    Grade 3 music literature

7.    Dynamics, accents and Tempo markings

8.    Sixteenth note rhythms, dotted half and dotted quarter notes and rests

9.    First & Second endings and other forms of repeats

10.  Conducting patterns

11.  Concepts of balance and intonation

12.  History of instruments and musical selections




Symphonic Band is composed of 11th and 12th grade wind and percussion students. This class meets every day. Students do not miss another class to attend band class. Students in symphonic band must participate in marching band.


The Symphonic Band performs at least two times a year as a group:

Holiday Concert – TBD

Spring Concert and Awards Ceremony – TBD


After school rehearsals may be held prior to each concert. Attendance at both rehearsals and concerts is required. If other concerts are scheduled, parents and students will be notified in advance.




Students will demonstrate knowledge in the following areas:

1.   Music reading-A variety of key signatures, time signatures, and rhythmic figures

2.   Tone production

3.    Technique-Continuation of scale studies, arpeggios, articulation exercises

4.    Listening skills-Intonation problems in individual and group settings.

5.    Concepts of style, phrasing, and balance

6.    Study of various musicals and cultures

7.    Rehearsal and performance skills




First Semester:

1.    Marching and Concert band concepts

2.    Review of basic tone production

3.    Breathing techniques

4.    Various styles of articulation

5.    B flat, E flat, A flat, D flat, G, C, F sharp, F, D, A, B, and E Concert Scales

6.    Chromatic patterns and Enharmonics

7.    Key signatures and accidentals

8.    2/4,  3/4,  4/4, 6/8, common, and cut time

9.    Eighth rests

10. Sixteenth note patterns

11. Syncopation

12. Basics of intonation, balance and blend

13. [Historical and cultural background


Second Semester:

1.    Concert band concepts

2.    Small ensemble concepts

3.    Jazz band concepts

4.    Eighth note triplets

5.    5/4,3/8 and 6/8 time signature

6.    Dotted eighth note  and triplet rhythms

7.    Intonation, balance and blend

8.   Sight-reading procedures

9.    Refinement of tone production

10. Vibrato

11. Concepts of phrasing, balance, and blend

12. Intonation problems of individual instruments

13. Sight-reading procedures

14. Performance skills

15. Conducting patterns






Marching Band is a performance-based class composed of both concert and symphonic band students’ grades 7-12. Members are selected by the director. This class meets every day Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 4pm until 7pm.  

The Crestwood High School Marching Band, also known as the “Marching Knights,” performs at all football games, marching band competitions, and many community events. This ensemble is an energetic and vibrant organization that exudes school pride every time they perform. Within the marching band you have groups such as the drumline, also known as “Knight Train,” and the color guard, also known as “Knightingales,” that will perform at various competitions outside of the marching band. The marching band performs a variety of musical styles. Students participating in band must participate in marching band.



Students will demonstrate knowledge in the following areas:

1.   High step marching and maneuvering

2.    Parade formation

3.    Stands formation and performance

4.    Music reading-A variety of key signatures, time signatures, and rhythmic figures

5.    Tone production

6.    Listening skills-Intonation problems in individual and group settings.

7.    Concepts of style, phrasing, and balance

8.    Study of various musicals and cultures

9.    Rehearsal and performance skills



First Semester:

1.    Review of tone production

2.    Breathing techniques

3.    Various styles of articulation

4.    Key signatures

5.    Enharmonics

6.    2/4,  3/4,  4/4,  6/8, 12/8, common, and cut time

7.    Sixteenth note patterns

8.    Syncopation

9.    Concepts of balance, intonation, and blend

10.  Instrument cleaning procedures

11.  Historical and cultural background


Second Semester:

1.    Refinement of tone production

2.    Concepts of phrasing, balance, and blend

3.    Intonation problems of individual instruments

4.    Performance skills

5.    Conducting patterns

6.    Leadership concepts













1.    Be on time. Enter the band room in a quiet, calm manner and be seated quickly.

2.    Bring materials each day: pencil, instrument, music, black binder.

3.    Respect to your classmates and your band director.

4.    Do not talk, play your instrument, or get out of your seat without permission.

5.    Care for all instruments and music. Keep away from equipment/instruments that do not belong to you.




1.  No food, gum, or drinks will be allowed in the band room.

2.  All cases should be stored in assigned instrument locker. Each student must supply a 

     combination lock and must give the combination to the band director.

3.  No students are allowed in the practice rooms without permission.

4.  Book bags and cases are not allowed in the practice rooms.

5.  Students who are not enrolled in band class are not allowed in the band room without  


6.  Sumter School District is not responsible for the safekeeping of student owned or school 

     issued instruments left overnight in the band room.







Failure to follow class rules will result in the following sequence of events:

1.   Verbal warning

2.   Change seating assignment/ chair placement

3.    Phone call/Email to parent.

4.    Removal from pep rallies and away performances

5.    Guidance referral

6.    Discipline Referral

7.    Removal from ensemble 












A…..100-90     B…..89-80       C…..79-70      D…..69-60      F…..59-0



Grades will be based on Sumter School District High School Weights:

40%                 Performance

30%                 Daily Participation

20%                 Tests/Quizzes

10%                 Homework/Practicing






1.  Demonstrates good posture.

2.  Participates as instructed.

3.  Brings all supplies to class.

4.  Follows all class rules.


Each student will begin the week with 100 points. Points will be deducted for the following:

Off task                                               10

Not ready when class begins              05

Disruptive behavior                             10

No instrument                                     20

No pencil                                             05

No book/music                                    10

Poor posture                                       05

Gum/candy                                         05



Each student should have the following items in class every day:

            Pencil, instrument (sticks, mallets), music, method book, black band binder

            At least three reeds for clarinets and saxophones, two reeds for oboes and bassoons

            Valve oil or slide oil for brass instruments



If a student forgets his/her instrument, he/she will be expected to sit quietly in his/her seat and observe. Students who fail to do this will be given a written assignment. This assignment must be:

            Completed during class time.

            Turned in at the end of the class period.


A WRITTEN EXCUSE is required if a student cannot play because of dental problems, illness, or instrument repair.  A grade of zero (0) will be assigned to the student for any assignment that is missed during this time, but the student may make up the assignment for full credit as soon as conditions allow.




Individual playing tests and quizzes will be given regularly. Any student who is unsatisfied with a playing or written test grade may request at retake outside of class. The final grade will be an average of the original and retake test grades. See Ms. Washington to schedule a time.


Written theory and vocabulary tests and quizzes will be given several times per grading period. 




After school rehearsals will be Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 4:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. Each rehearsal will count as outlined in the grading procedure with each student in attendance and arriving on time receiving a grade of 100. If a student is tardy, they will receive a grade of 90. If a student is absent, they will receive a grade of 0. If a student is unable to attend an after school rehearsal for reasons of illness or family emergency, a WRITTEN EXCUSE from a parent is needed. A student will not be penalized for an excused absence, although you are still required to know all your music and any information missed at rehearsal. Students who are not taking band as a class will follow a point system. Each student in attendance will receive 100 points. If a student is tardy, they will receive 90 points. If a student is absent, they will receive 0 points. These points and grades will determine the end of the year trip as well as awards and accolades at the spring concert and banquet.




Each required performance will count as outlined in the grading procedure with each student in attendance and arriving on time receiving a grade of 100. If a student is absent, they will receive a grade of 0. If a student is tardy, they will receive a grade of 90. If a student is unable to attend for reasons of illness or family emergency, a WRITTEN EXCUSE from a parent is needed.  Please be specific. The policy is quite simple. If the school will excuse it, the band will excuse it.  If the school will not, the band will not. Participation in extracurricular sports will not be excused. Students are required to split rehearsal and practice time with other extracurricular sports. A student will not be penalized for an excused absence, although some form of make-up work will be required. Students who are not taking band as a class will follow a point system. Each student in attendance will receive 100 points. If a student is tardy, they will receive 90 points. If a student is absent, they will receive 0 points. These points and grades will determine the end of the year trip as well as awards and accolades at the spring concert and banquet.




Student, parent, and, teacher conferences are encouraged throughout the school year.

Parents may check for assignments, rehearsals and performance dates online at:


Marching band (

Concert band (google classroom)





Section IV-General Information




Each student will dress in 2019-2020 band t-shirt, khaki shorts, and white/black shoes for Friday night games august through September. Wind suits will be required from October until the end of the season, and the full marching uniform will be required for competitions. Students who fail to report in full marching band attire will not be allowed to perform. His/her band grade/points will be lowered as a result.







CONCERT BAND (3rd Block)

LADIES:  White blouse, black dress pants or skirts, black socks or hose, and black shoes.

GENTLEMEN:   Long sleeve white shirt, black dress pants, black socks, and black dress shoes.




LADIES:  Band uniform, Black socks or hose, and black shoes.. 

GENTLEMEN:  Band uniform, black socks and black dress shoes.           



Crestwood High Band T-shirt, Khakis, casual shoes.



The following standard set of manners it to be used when attending a live performance:


1.  Dress appropriately for a live performance.

2.  Arrive early. If you are late, wait until you hear applause before entering the concert area to

     find a seat. Never enter while musicians are performing.

3.  Clap when the conductor walks toward the podium. 

4.  Whistling and yelling are not appropriate behaviors. 

5.  Do not talk during the performance.

6.  Do not bring food, drinks, or gum into a concert area.

7.  Plan to stay for the entire performance. 
















Students will periodically be given playing tests during class. The results of these tests will determine their chair placement (first chair, second chair, etc.) within the group, in addition to a grade. If a student is unhappy with his/her performance, he/she may have a chance to make up the grade. The make-up is only good for changing the grade, not the chair placement. Students must set up a time outside of class to make up the grade. Students who are disruptive in class may be demoted within their section at the discretion of the director. 



Every effort is made to insure a safe and orderly environment for the storing of instruments and equipment (owned by both private individuals and the school district). Please be advised, however, that belongings kept in the band room are there at your own risk. The District has no insurance coverage for private possessions stored in our facilities. Each student assigned an instrument locker is required to provide a combination lock. The combination must be given to Ms. Washington before the lock can be used. Key locks are not allowed. All cases should be clearly labeled with the band student’s name, address, and phone number. 



While all students are strongly encouraged to purchase their own instruments, Crestwood High School does maintain an inventory of instruments which students may rent during the school year. These instruments are limited to those instruments that are of the most unusual or extremely expensive nature. Crestwood does not own more common instruments, such as flutes, clarinets and saxophones. Rental instruments include bass clarinets, bassoons, tenor saxophones, French horns, baritones, and tubas.


A $50.00 rental fee (payable to Crestwood High School Band) must be brought to Ms. Washington before an instrument may be issued. Once the instrument has been issued, the parent and student are responsible for the care of the instrument. Should a school-owned instrument need repair, it should be brought to the band director. If repairs needed are due to normal wear and tear of faulty equipment, the school will handle all repair costs. If the repairs needed are due to student negligence, the student will be responsible for the repair costs.


All school-owned instruments are to be returned at the conclusion of the school year. 








ALL CLASSES                       1” black three-ring binder, plastic sheet protectors

                                                Pencil in class each day


                                                Metronome (Strongly suggested)

                                                Tuner (Strong suggested)


Sheet music will be issued throughout the year. Sheet music should be placed in the plastic page protector before being placed in the student’s binder. A fee of $1.00 per page will be assessed for any music that must be replaced.



PERCUSSION:                      Snare sticks (Vic Firth SC 1)

                                    Soft yarn mallets

                                                Hard yarn mallets

                                                Timpani mallets (Vic Firth general use)

                                                Stick bag


WOODWINDS:                      3 working reeds at all times

                                    Reed guard, cleaning swab, cork grease.

                                                Cleaning swab

                                    Cork grease

                                    Recommended mouthpiece

                                                Clarinet: Vandoren B45, M30, or M15

                                                Sax: Selmer C*

                                    Recommended ligature

                                                Clarinet and Sax: Rovner


BRASS                                   Valve or slide oil

                                                Tuning slide grease

                                                Cleaning snake

                                                Recommended mouthpiece:

                                                            Trumpet: Bach 7C or 5C

                                                            Trombone and Euphonium (Baritone): Bach 6 ½ AL
















Reeds and valve/slide oil may be purchased in the band room before school. 


Materials and supplies may be purchased at the following:



Leonard’s Music         

577 Bultman Drive

Sumter, SC                



Pecknel Music           

732 Saluda Avenue

Columbia, SC




Seaco Music

140 N. Main Street




Standard Music

2 S. Main Street





Musical Depot

906 S. Cashua Drive

Florence, SC



Star Music   

1322 Assembly St.

Columbia, SC  29201








Never leave your instrument lying out in the band room, on a stand, or in the care of another student. Never touch or play another student's instrument.

Percussion equipment is strictly off limits to woodwind and brass players.


Your full name, address, and phone number should be on your instrument case in a permanent manner. It is very important that you record your serial number and keep it at home. All personally owned instruments should be covered by your homeowner's insurance policy.




If your instrument needs repair, bring it to the band director. Ms. Washington can assess the problem and may be able to do minor repairs for you.


Do not try to fix problems yourself!






Private lessons are the best way to improve performance skills. One-on-one attention allows the student to improve at a rapid and individualized pace not possible in a large classroom setting.  A list of private teachers will be posted on eChalk or may be obtained from the band room. 




Jazz Band is an extracurricular group that meets after school. Its purpose is to study and perform genres of music not normally covered in concert band class. These may include blues, swing, Latin, rock and pop. The Jazz Band may be selected from ninth, tenth, eleventh, and twelfth grade students from the general student body as well as from the band program.  Members are chosen by audition only. Instrumentation includes alto sax, tenor sax, baritone sax, trumpet, trombone, tuba, rhythm guitar, bass guitar, piano, and drum set.






Crestwood High  School band students are encouraged to participate in all of the activities sponsored by the South Carolina Band Directors Association. These activities include:




With the director's recommendation, students are allowed to audition for Region Band in January. The audition requirements include scales, a prepared solo, sight-reading, and musical terms. Students audition for a panel of judges and, if selected, attend a two-day clinic with a guest conductor.




The prestigious All–State Band represents the best of the best in South Carolina. Students must qualify through the Region Band audition in order to audition at the state level. The All-State Band Clinic is a three-day clinic held at Furman University.




Students from all band classes are encouraged to participate in this event in late April. Students may participate as a solo or small group event. Mr. Thompson will select and order music for all students. Each entry performs for one judge and receives a rating of Superior, Excellent, Good, Fair, or Poor.







Concert Band Calendar




September 26           Deadline:  Region Band Registration


*December 19           Holiday Concert                   Crestwood Auditorium        7:30 P.M.


January 10                Region Band Auditions                  W. Florence High School


January 24                All-State Band Auditions                Lexington High School


February 13              Deadline:  Solo and Ensemble Festival Registration


February 20-21         Region Band Clinic                         Cane Bay High School


March 13-15              All-State Band Clinic                       Furman University


March 24-26              Concert Festival                               White Knoll High School


April 25-26                 Solo and Ensemble Festival          W. Florence High School                          

May 19                       Spring Concert                     Crestwood Auditorium        7:30 P.M.


June 5                        Graduation                            Sumter Civic Center                        3:00 P.M.

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